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Car Safety Maintenance Tips for Summer Season

Car MaintenanceYou need to care of your car especially in summer season. Why you must give extra caring for your car in summer season? As we know summer season is the best time to travel to all places. That is why you need to ensure that your car is in good condition. There are some things to do when you want to care of your car. Here, you will get important car maintenance tips for summer season.

First what you need to do is checking your tires. As we know tires are most important parts of your car and all drivers need to check their tire pressure regularly. You car tire pressure will be changed with the rising temperature. That is why you need to always check the tire pressure so you know the best tire pressure for your car before you drive your car. Second, you need to do one of best car maintenance tips for summer season such as changing the oil and also oil filter. As we know oil in your car is important because it keeps our engine run clean, cool and also smooth. You must know the best time to change your oil. Some people recommend you to change your oil after three months.

You need to check the hose and also belts. When you drive your car in summer season, you will not be easy to make your engine cool. That is why you must know how to keep the engine cool. You can check the radiator, and also coolant. You must check hoses and also belts in your car. You must avoid hoses from cracks, loose connections and also leaks. The other thing that you must do when you want to maintenance your car is changing air filter regularly. There are some other car maintenance tips for summer season that you must do or you better bring your car to the expert before you use it.

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What You Must Know About Hybrid Car Maintenance

Hybrid CarYou should know that owning a car is not a simple task. For those who already has a car, I believe they know how difficult to maintain their car. If you are going to by your first car, you should know about what you must know to maintain your car. First, every time you use your car, the car performance would decrease slowly especially its engine. However a well maintained car can survive for few decades as long as it is treated well. The importance of maintenance is a must so that your car is always in good shape. Don’t worry if you don’t know anything about car and engineering, however it doesn’t mean that you cannot maintain your own car. You can visit for more information about how to maintain your car performance.

Recently hybrid car becomes the most wanted car on the auto market. Hybrid car is more efficient than standard car that using only engine. However you also consider to how to maintain hybrid car that is more complicated that standard car. Besides maintain its engine, you also know how to maintain the battery and its electric motor.

Perhaps you already know that standard maintenances for gasoline engine car are checking the oil level, tire condition, fluids amount, battery and brakes system. Special for hybrid car, you also must know when you need to change the battery for the electric motor. It needs to be changes when the lifetime limits is reached. Indeed that hybrid car is more efficient than standard car. However it needs more maintenance since it has electric motor. If you hybrid car is having problem on its engine, you better take it on the manufacturer. Not every private auto shop can handle hybrid engine, however the manufacturer is guaranteed can fix your hybrid car well.

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Tips to Clean Car Interior in Easy Way

Cleaning Car InteriorWhen you have a car, you really know how to care of your car. You need to clean your car both in exterior and interior. It is so simple to clean the exterior. What you need to prepare are water, soap, and cloth. How about the cleaning car interior? Interior will influence people’s feeling and mood when they drive the car. When you can clean the interior of your car in good way and keep the interior looks and feels good for all people then all people will think that you really care and love with your car. For all of you who want to clean your car’s interior, it is important for you to check and consider some things here. Please make sure that you know what you must clean first and how to clean it.

First you need to remove the car mats first and also seat covers. You need to vacuum the car interior to make all things clean from dust and other things. You better use the soft nozzle or you can also use round brush to clean the dust and to reach difficult areas. When you want to cleaning car interior such as gear box and dashboard, you better use soft bristled brush.

Second, you can also clean your dashboard by using soft cloth, baby wipes and also paint brush to clean all parts of the dashboard. You should not scrub the dashboard because it will make scratches on your dashboard. You should not wax and polish the dashboard too because it will reflect the light when it is sunny day.

Third, carpet will give important role for your car. When you have bad and dirty carpet then you can’t make your car looks good. It is better for you to vacuum the carpet at least twice per week and you should not sponge the carpet before it is vacuumed because it makes the dust difficult to be cleaned. You can use detergent and white vinegar to clean the carpet. You can do some tips in cleaning car interior above and you can make your car interior in good condition.

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Preparing Your Car to Face Winter

Car in WinterYou car is like your body. When winter is coming, you would prepare additional clothes in order prevent freeze. Thus, winter is coming you need to prepare additional maintenance for your car so that the car can prevent freeze and work well during winter. Whether you have new or old car, your car needs additional attention to face winter. It is a must especially if you live in a certain area that has extreme temperature. These are several things that you must do to prepare your car to face the winter.

First, check the antifreeze on your car. Inspect the antifreeze of the car by using the tester for the car while the engine is cold. Find the mixture of the engine’s freeze point. The common ratio of engine freeze point is 50/50. It means that 50 % antifreeze and 50 % distilled water. This ratio is enough to face winter in most climates. If your area has extreme cold, then the freeze point should be increased according to the common temperature on your area.

Then, you must prepare the vehicle battery to face the winter. You should know that the vehicle battery will work harder during cold weather. Thus, you must charge-up the vehicle battery. The frozen battery could make your car stranded. You can check the car charging system for free at any store of Auto Parts.

Then, it is a must to change the oil filter and oil for the car’s engine. A clean and high quality of engine oil can protect the motor and engine well from cold weather. In addition, a clean engine can produce sufficient heat to warm the engine. Ask the vehicle manufacturer what is the recommended oil for winter.

Preparing a car for winter is important so that your car can work normally even during cold weather. Cold engine can lead to engine failure and commonly once the engine is cold, it is very hard to start the engine again.

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